My puppy Bella had to go get fixed so she has been at the vet all weekend!!!!
My oldest sister brandi ha ha had a root canal gone bad!!! her face was so swollen!!
she tells us she is prego yeah!!! i am so excited i cant wait to have another niece or nephew!! congrats sis!!!
i had to have EMERGENCY SURGERY and get my tonsels and Adnoids out!!! it scks!! by far the worst pain i have ever had but luckily my fam damily was there to help me my dad and MOM expecially!!! LOVE you all!!!
Euka.....I miss ya already!!! Man, we were two sick girls this week! Luckily you didn't look so messed up...just lots of pain (okay, not so lucky I guess). Anywho, soak up all the Mommy/Daddy treatment before you go back home! See ya in a few weeks...I love ya!!!
sorry about the emergency surgery, that stinks! I hope you get feeling better soon:)
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