Thursday, August 14, 2008

ok so it has been awhile..... so here is a little up date..... we now are offically living in Chubbuck ID! and yes it is very different then living in twin! i totally miss my fam damily but i guess this is a new adventure! it is a fun little place that we live in and we are finally done unpacking so now we can actually call it a home!! so YEAH! i found a salon to work in so i am really excited to finally begin!! so if any body needs there hair or nails done i do it all so just let me know!:) it is a cute little salon and get this........ it always plays country music thats right!!! LOVE it! brock is now applying to all new jobs so who knows how long we will actually be here!! but this has been a ton of fun hope it only gets better!!!


Amber said...

I was going to text you today to see if you got that job! YEAH! How cool that they play country....that will be a little bit better than the school's music;) I will start you a header for your blog but I was wondering if you want it to say Brock and Ericka, or your last name or anything else?? just let me know! Love ya!!! (oh and does Brandi have a different number, I want to call her)

Matt & Ali said...

Okay where do you live girlie girl??? I think my mom said by the interstate. So you are like 2 miles from my house. And where are you working??? I will totally make you a pair of flip flops.